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Abuse Policy

Abuse Policy of 2x4.ru Hosting

The hosting company is not responsible for replying to abuse complaints.

All abuse complaints are handled within a period of 2 business days (48 hours) and forwarded to contact e-mail specified by the Customer in the personal contact data. Only the Customer is liable for abusive activity that took place on any services provided to him/her.

If the Customer's personal contact data contains invalid/doubtful information or the Customer didn't reply for more than 72 hours with explaination on how abuse has been resolved - all services provided by the Company can be suspended

If Company receives high amount of abuses to Customer Service, Company reserve the right to make a unilateral offer to make assessment on handling, forwarding and/or carring out abuses, and as a conclusion to generate invoice to Customer for additional service.

Company doesn’t responsible for abuses of Copyright violation, but Company reserve the right to involve on our own if additional information will be received, that customer didn’t taked any actions or didn’t give explanations on second case abuse.

If IP-address/PI block is listed in public blacklists Company reserve the right to make a unilateral offer to make assessment of investigation and addition work for delisting IP-address/PI blocks from blacklists and, as a conclusion to generate invoice to Customer for additional service.

We keep the right to suspend web hosting sites if found:

- fraud activity like phishing pages
- viruses or other software witch could harm website visitors.
- ddos inbound/outbound spurious traffic that violates the network reliability

Company defend customer’s privacy and doesn’t provide Customer personal information to 3rd organisations except of cases that required by Russian Federation law and local regulations.