Создал почтовый ящик c именем mail на домене studiolegale.spb.ru неделю назад...тогда же сразу отправил по адресу
[email protected] письмо со своего адреса на Gmail чтобы проверить работу ящика - тогда письмо дошло - все было ок.
На сегодняшний день почтовый сервис не работает...письма отправленные со внешки не приходят...
Умный GMail Delivery Subsystem <
[email protected]> пишет по этому поводу следующее:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
[email protected]Technical details of permanent failure:
TEMP_FAILURE: The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at
]]>http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=7720]]>[studiolegale.spb.ru (1): Connection refused]
В HELP центре Gmail (http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=7720) пишется вот что:
'The recipient server did not accept our requests...'
This error message indicates that we've attempted to make a connection with your recipient's server but didn't receive a reply. Some possible causes include the following:
* The other domain doesn't have up-to-date MX records or is otherwise misconfigured.
* The other domain is blacklisting or graylisting messages from Gmail.
* The other domain is experiencing temporary networking problems.
We recommend contacting the customer service department of the recipient's domain for further instructions. If you receive this bounce message when sending to your Google Apps domain, please see our instructions for configuring your MX records.
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